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Technology Fitness Tech Check (TEP)

This survey is intended to gather information about your perceptions of your technology needs with respect to improving instruction and student learning. To help you to develop your own, personalized, technology training plan


Please provide the following information.

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Must Answer 2)

For each statement, please indicate how you feel.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
It is very important to learn how to use a computer
One can be a better teacher with technology.
Computers make me nervous and are intimidating.
Using a computer is very frustrating to me.
I am confident in working with computers.
Computers isolate people by inhibiting normal social interactions among users.
Must Answer 3)

Describe your overall role as a teacher.

  Very Often Often Sometimes never
To present or lecture
To model and demonstrate
To facilitate or/coach
To be a taskmaster
To be an authoritarian
Must Answer 4)

Describe your use of technology as a teacher.

  Very Often Often Sometimes Never
To present information
To model and demonstrate
For students to share and reflect
For students to create learning artifacts
For you and your students to interact and collaborate
For you and your students to communicate
For student assessment
For course material preparation
To retrieve and disseminate resources/ information
Must Answer 5)

How often do you use computers in your classroom to enhance teaching and learning? Please describe how you use computhers to enhance teaching and learning. 

Must Answer 6)

How often do you use technology?

  • Daily
  • A few times a week
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Never
Must Answer 7)

How comfortable do you feel using technology with students and integrating technology into your daily courses?

  • Very Comfortable
  • Somewhat Comfortable
  • Not Comfortable
Must Answer 8)

When preparing your course, do you ever wonder, “Is there a better, easier

Must Answer 9)

When teaching your course, do you ever wonder, “Is there a better, easier, and/or faster way to do this?” If so, please list and describe as many of the things or situations as you can to which this statement would apply:

Must Answer 10)

When assessing your students, do you ever wonder, “Is there a better, easier, and/or faster way to do this?” If so, please list and describe as many of the things or situations as you can to which this statement would apply:

Must Answer 11)

Do you ever think, “I wish I had a helper to help me use technology with my students in the classroom?” If so, please list and describe as many of the things or situations as you can to which this statement would apply:

Must Answer 12)

Do you ever, or often, think, “I wish I could use a computer or other devices so I could...”  If so, please list and describe as many of the things or situations as you can to which this statement would apply:

Must Answer 13)

Do you ever, or often, think, “I wish my students could use computers or other technology resources available so they could...”  If so, please list and describe as many of the things or situations as you can to which this statement

Must Answer 14)

Describe how you use technology in your teaching, in and/or outside of the classroom?

Must Answer 15)

What are your barriers that keep you from using of technology in your teaching? Please be specific.

Must Answer 16)

Laulima is the University of Hawaii's collaborative learning environment. What Laulima tools would you like to use or improve upon using with your students? If you are not sure what tools you would like to use, please describe what you would lik

Must Answer 17)

What 5 technologies/activities are you most interested in using in your classroom?

Please only choose 5  technologies/activities

  • Social media/networking (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, blogs, wikis)
  • Problem-based learning
  • Authentic learning
  • Storytelling
  • Lecture-capture
  • Flipped classroom
  • Video
  • Laulima
  • Digital Communication
  • Collaborative work
  • Web Quests
  • Student response systems (i.e. “clickers”, interactive polling)
  • Mobile learning
  • Personal learning environments
  • Digital portfolios
  • Team building
  • Netiquette
  • Evaluating validity of information
  • Cloud computing (e.g. Google Docs, Dropbox)
  • Synchronous communication tools (e.g. Skype, Blackboard Collaborate)



When are you able to meet each week?

  • Group meeting for new faculty/lecturers - Wednesday from 2:30pm- 4pm.
  • Group meeting for existing faculty/lecturers - Thursday from 2:30pm- 4pm.
  • Individualized face-to-face meeting (list days and times available below).
  • Individualized online meetings (list days and times available below).