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E-Learning: Administrative Evaluation (19 questions) View Template View Template
Tool for assessing your organization's e-learning program
E-Learning: Administrative Evaluation (9 questions) View Template View Template
Questionnaire for assessing an e-learning program for any organization
E-Learning: Courseware Satisfaction (14 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of satisfaction with online learning package includes evaluation of technical capabilities, technical support, course tools, etc
E-Learning: Courseware Satisfaction (10 questions) View Template View Template
Survey of satisfaction with online learning package includes evaluation of technical capabilities, technical support, course tools, etc
E-Learning: Organizational Support (12 questions) View Template View Template
Evaluate organizational support for e-learning programs
E-Learning: Organizational Support (10 questions) View Template View Template
Evaluate organizational support for e-learning programs
E-Learning: Package Questionnaire (15 questions) View Template View Template
Evaluate vendor offerings for courseware packages including technical capabilities, authoring tools, and more
E-Learning: Package Questionnaire (10 questions) View Template View Template
Evaluate vendor offerings for courseware packages including technical capabilities, authoring tools, and more
E-Learning: Student Information (12 questions) View Template View Template
Tool for gathering student demographics, web access information, and identification of special needs
E-Learning: Student Information (10 questions) View Template View Template
Tool for gathering student demographics, web access information, and identification of special needs
E-Learning: Student Satisfaction (20 questions) View Template View Template
Focus on technological features of the online learning system (download time, help system, etc), course requirements, interaction, and more
E-Learning: Student Satisfaction (10 questions) View Template View Template
Focus on technological features of the online learning system (download time, help system, etc), course requirements, interaction, and more
E-Learning: Vendor Support Services (10 questions) View Template View Template
Satisfaction survey of vendor support including integrated help systems, technical support, and administrative support services
E-Learning: Vendor Support Services (10 questions) View Template View Template
Satisfaction survey of vendor support including integrated help systems, technical support, and administrative support services
Training Evaluation (20 questions) View Template View Template
Participant evaluation of training including content and quality, applied value, and skill of the trainer
Workshop Participant Pre-Survey (10 questions) View Template View Template
Pre-Workshop survey of participants to gauge knowledge of topic, previous workshop attendance, accessibility needs
Workshop Participant Pre-Survey (19 questions) View Template View Template
Pre-Workshop survey of participants to gauge knowledge of topic, previous workshop attendance, accessibility needs